The Emotion Code technique, developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson—a holistic chiropractor, Medical Intuitive, and author of Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code—focuses on releasing accumulated emotional baggage. According to Dr. Nelson, these “trapped emotions” are negative energies that get stuck in the physical body, potentially causing discomfort and, over time, illness.

Your emotions become trapped because you did not process them properly.  This is typically during challenging life experiences or unresolved emotional events. These trapped emotions settle in the subconscious mind, influencing thoughts, creating negative emotional patterns, and generating physical discomfort by affecting specific organs.

The Emotion Code offers a simple yet effective way to release these trapped emotions. This technique enables clients to free themselves from emotional baggage without revisiting or reliving the uncomfortable events that caused it, ensuring the process remains comfortable and healing.

What does Emotion Code work for:
Releasing anxiety and stress, improves mood, helps to recover from addictions and bad habits (food, alcohol, and drugs). This improves relationships, helps to improve physical issues and mis-alignments, helps prosperity and creative purpose and much more.


Heart Wall:

The Heart Wall is an energetic wall, which we subconsciously build around the heart, after experiencing difficult emotional challenge. In the long run, this Heart Wall may stop us from processing emotions. It may also block us from positive feelings (love, joy, gratitude) and block us from success or healing.
It takes 3 sessions of Emotion Code to release the Heart Wall. We are focusing on removing the wall of trapped emotions around the heart. If you remove the Heart Wall, you may enjoy a more fulfilled life, deeper relationships, improved abundance and a better spiritual connection.


Emotion Code/Heart Wall technique works well on adults, children, babies and pets.